Events have been scheduled as per the following:-
1. Eng. Rhymes Compt.(Audition round) for std- LKG to 2 on 6/7/2020 (Mon.) at 3pm .
2. Drawing Compt.for Std-3 to 5 (Sec.wise ) on 7/7/2020 Tues. at 4 pm.
3. Essay Writing Compt. for Std - 6th to 12th ( Sec.wise) on 8 /7/2020 at 3pm.
Topic: For Drawing compt.- "Pollution"
Topic: For Essay Writing Compt.-
a. Role of Media for Std.: 6 to 8. b. Contribution of Technology in Education for Std -9 to 12
(Notice: Upcoming Online CCA Competition)
- The ' Final Round' of Drawing Compt. for the students of Std. 3 - Std. 5 is scheduled to be held on 29th Day of this month.
The topic for the competition is - "Natural Disaster- FLOOD ".
- Students will use crayons or colour pencils & plain white A-4 size paper.
- Link will be sent 5 minutes before the scheduled time.
- Timing - 4 pm to 5pm. ( 1 hr.)
2. The 'Fancy Dress Competition (Audition round)' for LKG to Std.- 2 is scheduled to be held on 31st Day of this Month (Theme- Miscellaneous viz different theme for different classes).
Please avoid negative character.
3. English Calligraphy Competition is scheduled on 4th Aug. 2020 for Std. - 3 to Std. -12.
4. An Online Thematic Painting Competition* on the topic ' Being Santa Claus, is scheduled on 3rd Jan 2021 for Std. 6 to 8.
CCA on the occasion of - Republic Day
Mode: Virtual online
Class- 3 to 5
Time - 4:00 pm sharp.
Topic- Mono Acting (Mai bhi Gandhi Tu bhi Gandhi)
Guidelines for students.
1. The students will be in the costume/role of Gandhi Ji and would have to act individually.
2.They have to enact the different phases of the life of Gandhiji.
3. The act should be completed within 2 minutes per student.
Guidelines lines for teachers.
1. Class Teachers and students are requested to join on my personal zoom I'd (Kreeti Gupta) i.e. - 8264899945 and pwd-613542.
2. Teachers must have the name of participants with them before occurring the event.
3. They should display the name of a student a day before the event on my whatsaap id.
4. Ask the students to make video while performing and send it to their respective class teacher.
Judges for the event:-
1. Mr. Rajnish Sinha
2. Mrs. Manjubala
Section Co-ordinator
CCA Department
There will be a 'NATURE Drawing Compt.' on the occasion of Republic Day (26/01/21) in the virtual (online) mode for the class LKG to II
Time - 3:00 pm to 3:40 pm
Guideline for students:
1. The students have to fill up the suitable colours out of the drawn sketch during event, to be made available for you in the group.
2. They have to take a print out of sketch drawn, a day before event.
3. Student’s will get connected on their respective class teacher's I'd at sharp at 3:00 pm
4. Student’s will use only crayons or pencil colours.
Dept. Of C. C. A:
Activities for Std: III to V
Date: 15/08/21
Event: - Drawing Competition
Topic:-Scene of celebrating Independence day.
The details are as follows:-
1)Class Teachers are requested to conduct the C.C.A. competition on 15/08/21 according to your own convenient time in zoom app.
2. The Class teacher will choose the best 3 drawing and send them to CCA whatsapp group on the same day.
3) Please take screenshots while conducting the event.
Instructions for students:-
1)Ask the students to mention their name,class,sec and house on the sheet.
2) Each students will be in their white uniform.
3)They will only use crayon or pencil colour.
4)The drawing will be sent to class teacher within 30 min. of completion of the event.
Class 6 - 8
Date : 11.08.2021
Sub : Regarding online painting competition of portrait of freedom fighters.
All the students are being informed that our school is going to organise an online event of painting portrait of freedom fighter of your choice on the occasion of independence day i.e.15.08.2021.
The details are as follows:
1 ) Class teachers will conduct the online event on 15.08.2021 at their convenient scheduled time on their zoom application which should be previously informed.
2) Each student will joine the event in regular school uniform.
3) They should mention their name class section admission no and house on their paintings.
4) Students will be given one hour to paint the portrait of any freedom fighter of his own choice.
5) Students can use painting materials of their choice and convenience.
6) The painting will be sent to class teacher within 30 min. Of completion of the event.
7) The class teachers will send best three paintings in the CCA Group same day.
CCA Notice ( 11- 08- 21)
Std 9 to 12
School is going to conduct special CCA events on the occasion of Independence day i.e. 15th Aug 2021.
Event -Speech Competition
Topic-" lndia- In my Dream "
Allotted Time: 3 minutes
Concern classteachers are requested to inform their students regarding the scheduled event and ask them to join at 4.00pm.
Plz follow-
1. Ask your students to join on your zoom id sharp at 4pm.
2. Ask them to record their speech with video while performing.
3. Students must be in white school uniform.
4. Ask them to send their video to their class teacher's what's app grp with full details .
5.Class teachers plz send the videos & details of the first two position holders in CCA what's app grp 9to12 .
6. Plz take the screen shots while conducting the event.